Friday 13 November 2015

CBT- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The video above explains what CBT is, in essence it is a way of getting you in control of your own behavioral patterns so you know how to cope with mental illnesses such as Depression or Social Anxiety as both illnesses affect the way people think about themselves causing negative thought patterns and behavior.

This therapy is exactly what those suffering with depression and social anxiety need in order to get onto the path to a better state of mind, this is a good area that could do with some more development in order for it to be more accessible.

References, Anon, 2013


  1. Avoid describing the final product at this stage as this should be saved for the semester 2 XB3002 module. This semester 1 should be focused on the IP concept.

  2. This is an interesting topic to respond to. So consider how you would describe your over-arching concept or IP.
