Thursday 10 December 2015

I have collected all of my research together and have now summarized my research in a reflection document which details all of my research and inspirations which lead up to me coming up with the idea of a Medical Digital pet as my unique IP, the Document contains my starting subjects- Toys and Medical Technology how this lead to initial ideas and how those ideas started to compile into my final idea.
PAST  Tamagochi the original virtual pet kids really liked having thier own virtual pet but unfortunately they usually died (8-bitcentral Retro Pete, 2013): PAST Furby Boom Waves is the Best Selling Christmas Toy for 2013 Shadaan Alam, 2013 Another Classic interactive pet/toy recently brought back- its interesting design and features attract kids: My first big motivation for this ip came in the form of a toy known by almost everyone the classic interactive toy "Furby" from it i wanted a toy that could offer interaction in a more digital format so digital pets were eventually introduced into the mix and with the inclusion of health monitoring technology the ip started to form. I wanted a child friendly digital pet which can help kids that suffer from a mental illness such as Social anxiety. As mentioned in previous posts mental illness treatment is not the most accessible treatment and so by having CBT included in a toy/wearable technology product it instantly becomes a widespread option for a lot more people it just helps a lot more children.

A lot of ideas went into my ip and it does target a specific audience but even though it is an ip that can help those with mental illness it can still be marketed to other children it has the versatility to do that, this IP has plenty of potential and it could help a lot of children.

1 comment:

  1. Can you give more detail here? How has this developed? Show some images and research material that supported your IP.
